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Let's Get You Seen and Loved by Soulmate Clients!

SEO Copywriting for Female Creatives that Sells Your Sh*t, Saves You Time, and Ignites Your Online Presence!




SEO Copywriting Services to Boost Your Online Visibility, Drive Traffic, and Convert Visitors into Customers

You're not here to play it small (or safe!) You're growing your business, and you know that to increase your authority and credibility online, you need SEO copy that attracts and converts


You're ready to take your brand to the next level with copy that doesn't just sound like you, but that speaks to your *soulmate* clients and makes them click that 'Book Now' button. 


You're ready for the next steps. You're ready for SEO copywriting!


From the start, Kristin has been professional and extremely knowledgable. She worked quickly and went above and beyond to ensure my website was in the best possible position to rank on Google. I will 100% work with Kristin again in the future and I recommend her services to anyone. Do yourself a favor and save some time, effort, and research by investing in Kristin's SEO website copywriting services!"

Cali / Career Break Coach

What is SEO Copywriting? 

SEO copywriting is content that is both reader-friendly and optimized for search engines. Yep! It's so much more than just copy.


With SEO copywriting, you get the best of both worlds: content that resonates with your audience AND helps your website rank higher in search engine results.


It's about creating valuable, engaging content that sounds like you and also incorporates strategic keywords that drive people to your website.​

Types of SEO Copywriting 

  • Website Copy

  • Sales Pages

  • Blog Posts

  • Articles and Guides

  • Product Descriptions

  • Meta Descriptions

  • Social Media Posts

  • Press Releases



You Deserve Copy That Makes Your Soulmate 

Clients Swoon.

Welcome to my world, where SEO and copywriting work together to drive growth for your business! My name is Kristin. I'm a website copywriter and SEO strategist based outside Boston, MA.


My goal isn't just to help you *rank higher* on search engines. Nope. I want to help you:


  • Feel CONFIDENT in all aspects of your messaging.

  • Make a GREATER impact.

  • GROW your business with words that attract, resonate, and convert, and SEO that drives traffic!


I'm so much more than just an 'SEO copywriter'. I'm here to be your partner in crime as you increase your authority, credibility, and visibility online!


If you're ready to take your online presence to the next level and make waves in your industry, then you've come to the right place.


Let's work together and see what SEO copywriting can do for you!

SEO Copywriting Services For Brands That Want to Stand Out

SEO copywriting services for female entrepreneurs who want to stand out loud and proud!


SEO Website Copywriting 

AI generated content is so last year. You deserve bespoke SEO website copywriting that's not just inspiring but also drives clients straight to your inbox! These tailored packages are ideal for 6-figure female businesses seeking strategic SEO website copywriting services.


SEO Services 

Your website should rank high on Google, attract perfect clients and generate leads! If it's not than "Houston, we have problem!" My SEO campaigns are designed to boost your ranking, authority, and credibility online so you can land clients organically.


SEO Copywriting

Let's be honest -- You don't have time write copy when you have clients to serve am I right? Outsource your copywriting tasks to someone who thrives on words, SEO and coffee. I'll write your emails, blogs, sales pages and social posts!

SEO copywriting that's strategic, impactful, and tailored to you.

I work specifically with female entrepreneurs, creatives and small business owners with message development, copywriting and SEO. 

  • Virtual Assistants

  • Tech Industry

  • Bookkeepers

  • Artists

  • Speakers

SEO Copywriting Reviews 

Copywriting for fitness coach featuring woman wearing red shirt.

Mary / Fitness Coach

"Kristin created social media posts for me that converted into 6 new personal training clients! She's amazing! You will wonder why you didn't hire Kristin earlier! If you need copy or SEO - go to Kristin."
Copywriting and SEO for business coach featuring Richelle

Richelle / Business Coach

"The 90-minute SEO intensive was one of the best investments Ive made so far for my business! Kristin was very thorough in educating me on where to start and where to get the Most out of optimizing my website!

Website Copywriting for Career Coach Featuring Travel Shifters Founder

Cali / Career Coach

"From the start, Kristin has been professional and extremely knowledgable. She worked quickly and went above and beyond to ensure my website was in the best possible position to rank on Google." 

SEO Copywriting For Long-Term Gains, Not Quick Wins.

You pour your heart and soul into your business, yet it seems like no one notices. Your website is lost on Google, buried beneath countless competitors.


You never get leads and feel like you spent so much money on web design for no reason. It's frustrating, isn't it?


Well guess what? It DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY!


Imagine if your website was the first thing your potential customers saw when they searched for your products or services. Imagine them clicking through your website, captivated by your message, and eager to learn more.


Imagine the flood of inquiries, sales, and growth that followed.


Sound too good to be true? It's not! 


With expert SEO copywriting services, you can transform your online presence from invisible to irresistible. You can finally break through the noise and connect with your dream clients in a meaningful way!



Here's how I can help you get there:




Attract Your Audience:


First, we'll optimize your website content to ensure it ranks high in search engine results, drawing in potential customers who are actively searching for what you offer

Engage and Convert:


Second, we'll craft compelling copy that speaks directly to your audience's needs and desires, turning visitors into loyal customers who can't wait to do business with you.


Build Your Authority:


Next, we'll position you as an industry leader by creating valuable, informative content that showcases your expertise and builds trust with your audience.


Book your no-strings-attached call today!


Don't Let Your Competitors Steal Your Spotlight

If you're not commanding attention online, you're missing out on valuable opportunities to grow your business and connect with your audience. It's time to take control of your online presence and show the world what you're made of.


With expert SEO copywriting services, you can rise above the competition, capture the spotlight, and achieve the success you deserve!


My Holistic SEO Copywriting Process

1. Initial Consultation: We start with a thorough discussion to understand your business, target audience, goals, and current SEO status.


2. Keyword Research: I conduct in-depth keyword research to identify relevant terms and phrases that align with your business objectives and target audience.


3. Content Audit: I analyze your existing content to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for optimization and improvement.


4. Content Strategy Development: Based on the insights gathered, I develop a comprehensive content strategy that outlines topics, keywords, and content formats tailored to your goals.


5. Content Creation: I craft compelling, SEO-friendly content that engages your audience while incorporating targeted keywords strategically.


6. On-Page Optimization: I optimize website elements such as titles, meta descriptions, headers, and alt tags to improve search engine visibility and user experience.


7. Off-Page SEO: I implement strategies to build quality backlinks and enhance your website's authority and credibility in the eyes of search engines.


8. Monitoring and Reporting: I continuously monitor campaign performance, analyze data, and provide regular reports to track progress and identify areas for refinement.


9. Ongoing Optimization: I adapt and refine the SEO strategy based on performance metrics, algorithm updates, and evolving industry trends to ensure sustained long-term success.


10. Collaboration and Communication: Throughout the process, I maintain open communication and collaboration to ensure alignment with your vision and goals.

As an SEO Strategist and Copywriter, I love the challenge of creating copy that's completely custom to you and that *sings* on search engines.

My Signature 4-Step Framework

First, you'll schedule a discovery call to see if we're a good fit to work together. If we decide to move forward, I'll send you a contract and invoice to book your project. Next, you'll follow my signature 4-step framework outlined below.

Step 1:
Clarity Call

Step 2:
Message Development

Step 3:
Strategic Copy

The journey begins with a personalized clarity call (60ish minute Zoom meeting) where we dive deep into your brand, values, and goals.

We'll discuss your target audience, unique selling points, and the message you want to convey.

This call allows us to align my vision with yours and lay the foundation for a successful collaboration.

Next, we'll work on your brand message, customer mapping, and unique value proposition (UVS) creation.

We'll identify your ideal client, understand their pain points, and craft a compelling narrative that speaks directly to their needs and desires.

By mapping out the customer journey and defining your UVS, we ensure that your website copy resonates with your audience on a deeper level, inspiring trust and connection.

With a clear understanding of your brand and audience, I'll begin crafting strategic website copy that brings your vision to life.

From your homepage to your about page to your service offerings, every word will be carefully chosen to engage your audience and drive action.

Whether you're looking to educate, inspire, or convert, our copy will captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression.

Step 4:
SEO Plan

*Last but not least, I'll optimize your website copy for search engines to ensure maximum visibility and reach.

By conducting thorough keyword research and implementing best practices for on-page SEO, I'll help your website climb the ranks and attract organic traffic.

From meta tags to alt text to internal linking, I'll fine-tune every aspect of your copy and website to enhance your online presence.

*only if SEO is added to your plan.

Do not sleep on SEO! Kristin has been absolutely amazing to work with. She’s intelligent, knows her field so well, but also knows how to explain everything in such a digestible way. Her detail and attention has far exceeded my expectations. She has alleviated so much stress for me and my brand!!

Pam, Ethical and Honest Skincare

SEO Copywriting Portfolio

Explore a few of my SEO copywriting projects!

Fibro Fit Warriors

Website Copywriting and SEO Strategy

Website copywriting for coaches featuring Fibro Fit Warriros website

Mental Health Remix

Website Copywriting Refresh, Emails, Sales Page

Website Copywriting For Coach Featuring Mental Healtj Remix Website

Marina Shiferman

Website Copywriting and SEO

Elite Concierge Nursing-9.png

An SEO Copywriter with a Knack for Words and SEO Nerd

Ready to say 'I'm in' but want to know what to expect? Below outlines my onboarding process!


Schedule a Discovery Call


Let's get to know each other! This is a no-strings-attached all to discuss your goals and see if we're a good fit to work together.





If we're totally vibing -- I'll send you a customized proposal outlining service deliverables. You'll be able to book your project straight through the proposal.


Contract & Invoicing​


After accepting the proposal, you will sign my contract and pay your project deposit. You'll be sent an email with next steps.


Portal & Questionnaire


You'll gain access to your very own client portal. I will send you an email with next steps and a questionnaire to fill out prior to our kick-off clarity call.

website banner-3.png

Book a Discovery Call!

Have a question? Ready to book a project? Schedule a free call using the button below to get all your questions answered!


I'm so looking forward to speaking with you!

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